Thursday, March 18, 2010

" the ebb and flow "

The view from the billet is a lot brighter this evening with a rewarding afternoon and paradoxically the early arrival of the expected rain at Cheltenham. It started to drizzle around 4pm and is gently picking up momentum. It should be enough to take the sting out of the ground and return track to normal conditions.

The day started well when heeding my own advice and more by putting a larger bet on Copper Blue at value odds of 14/1. Yesterday's losses were recouped and although no further success was gained, I nevertheless enjoyed the excellent fare. Copper Bleu benefited from a savvy spin from Richard Johnson, lying off the exuberant pace, moving at the right time and powering up the hill.

Big Bucks duly obliged in the world hurdle from the game Time for Rupert (smashing chase prospect) and Powerstation (mentioned in dispatches from this quarter in previous blogs). Sentry Duty suffered from taking the "obstacle course" route but never looked like being involved.

AP McCoy (post stitching) gave Alberta's Run a powerful ride to beat Poquelin with Tranquil Sea and Barbers Shop discommoded by the going. I'm So Lucky looked to have much in his favour but the frantic pace put his fencing under pressure and he failed somewhat disappointingly to show.

Copper Bleu was a personal highlight but commendations must go to the Nicholls's team for having Big Bucks in such fine fettle.

The change in weather has renewed confidence in my pre meeting research and I am therefore relishing tackling tomorrow's card. However, wiser counsel suggests that some of this evening's work ought to be dedicated to a Plan B, in case not enough precipitation materialises.

until then......

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